Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I officially started my P90X program yesterday and Tony Horton would be proud......I BROUGHT IT! It was one of the most intense workouts I have ever had. 5 minutes into it I was asking myself what I got myself into and I kept asking myself that for an hour and a half. Yesterday was day 1 so I did Chest and Back along with the Ab ripper DVD.

Today my body as expected feels really sore, especially my arms, but I am thinking positive about it and they are good pains! As Tony says it feels great to feel burn.

I did my before pictures, however I will not be posting them until I finish my program and post both before and after pictures. I have all the equipment I currently need, they include yoga mat, dumbbells, push up stands and resistance bands.

I have weighed myself and I will again next Monday. I hope to update with good news then.


  1. Love Ya! Just try to keep it down...the neighbors might think we are doing something else when they hear you yell! =D

  2. Congratulations! I promise not to send you any more pictures of Chinese food.
