Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Award and Day 2

Today I received my first award. Granted it was my wife awarding it to me, but it was an award nonetheless.

So here are the rules:

I must list 6 things I master in
I must award this to 6 other people I think are masters in friendship and blogging

1.) Computer Technology : I can fix a computer in my sleep. I can hack into somebody's wireless signal in my sleep ( Not that i ever have! wink wink) I can download pirated movies and watch them on my plasma in no time!

2.) BBQ Ribs : I love to cook country style ribs on the pitt.... Boiling them for an hour is the key people!

3.) Washing clothes

4.) Making people laugh :)

5.) Planning and making things happen

Today was day two of P90X, 30 minutes into it, I almost gave up! I was exhausted and felt like I couldn't finish. Somewhere in me though, I got a second wind and kept going, telling myself that it was fun to feel the burn. I did not give up and no looking back I am so glad I didn't. My whole body is sore right now, but it will be well worth it.