Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Award and Day 2

Today I received my first award. Granted it was my wife awarding it to me, but it was an award nonetheless.

So here are the rules:

I must list 6 things I master in
I must award this to 6 other people I think are masters in friendship and blogging

1.) Computer Technology : I can fix a computer in my sleep. I can hack into somebody's wireless signal in my sleep ( Not that i ever have! wink wink) I can download pirated movies and watch them on my plasma in no time!

2.) BBQ Ribs : I love to cook country style ribs on the pitt.... Boiling them for an hour is the key people!

3.) Washing clothes

4.) Making people laugh :)

5.) Planning and making things happen

Today was day two of P90X, 30 minutes into it, I almost gave up! I was exhausted and felt like I couldn't finish. Somewhere in me though, I got a second wind and kept going, telling myself that it was fun to feel the burn. I did not give up and no looking back I am so glad I didn't. My whole body is sore right now, but it will be well worth it.


I officially started my P90X program yesterday and Tony Horton would be proud......I BROUGHT IT! It was one of the most intense workouts I have ever had. 5 minutes into it I was asking myself what I got myself into and I kept asking myself that for an hour and a half. Yesterday was day 1 so I did Chest and Back along with the Ab ripper DVD.

Today my body as expected feels really sore, especially my arms, but I am thinking positive about it and they are good pains! As Tony says it feels great to feel burn.

I did my before pictures, however I will not be posting them until I finish my program and post both before and after pictures. I have all the equipment I currently need, they include yoga mat, dumbbells, push up stands and resistance bands.

I have weighed myself and I will again next Monday. I hope to update with good news then.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Come Feb. 15th I will BRING IT!

I've been thinking recently that failing at running at this years marathon is actually the best thing that could have happened to me. I never would have thought to get in shape before hand, I thought that running would naturally bring me to shape while also getting me ready for the long distance run. Boy how I was wrong. I am starting to realize that I probably would have killed myself out there trying to finish. It's all about getting your body in shape first and then conditioning it to finish the 26 plus miles.

Starting Monday Febuary 15th I will have a new best friend. His name is Tony Horton and he is the host of p90x. I will be starting the 90 day commitment. And I will as Tony puts it...."Bring It!".