Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Sunday that should have been

This Sunday will be the 2010 LA Marathon. Back during the summer I had given myself the goal of competing in it. As fate would have it, I quit soon after giving myself the goal. As time went on I kicked myself for giving up so quickly, but at that point it was too late to get race ready.

This Sunday I will tune in, and in fact it won't be out of disgust. I will tune in and learn. Learn about the route, learn from observing and learn what I need to do complete the race next year.

I have given myself the goal of completing the 2011 LA Marathon and this goal will be accomplished. Sunday will be part of my training.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

We Interrupt This Program...

P90X was put on hold this week..........We're having a baby!

It's Thurday night and as this week finally comes to an end, I find myself with the time to reflect on what happened this week.

Sunday we were at my in-laws hanging out and relaxing, when all of a sudden my mother in law and sister in law come out running showing me a pregnancy test Mona had just taken. They were yelling that Mona was pregnant. They came at me so fast, it took me a second to realize what they were even saying. I was staring at a pregnancy test that had two lines showing up, they kept telling me 2 lines meant she was pregnant. At first glance the second lined seemed to be a bit faded so I asked where the test was bought from. They said it came from the dollar store, at that point I asked them all to go and buy a brand name tester. Not that I didn't believe she was pregnant, but I told them I didn't want to let myself be brought up to a High of exciteness, only to be brought back down to a LOW. So off they went and 2 more tests later, it was confirmed that Mona was pregnant.

The joy I felt is undescribeable. Let me just say that later that night while Mona was taking a shower, I literally collapsed in tears in the bedroom from happiness. I have been emotionally and mentally ready for a child for quite a few years now I believe. I think you know you are ready to be a parent when you feel that certain feeling inside of you.

Later than night we gave my parents and brother Michael the good news. Obviously everyone was very happy and my dad even through out the idea of naming the baby Oscar III if it were to be a boy. My brother Eric had already gone to sleep so the next morning is when I gave him the good news. Sunday night we went to sleep feeling happy, however uncertain of what was going to come next.

Monday we both went to work and Mona made her appointment to see a Doctor at the Kaiser building for the next day.

Tuesday I only went in to work for only an hour and left to go with Mona to her doctors appointment. It was nice to meet the doctor who will be with us through this journey. His name is Dr. Sacks and even though we have only met him once, he has already grown on us. He is wise, caring and at times even funny. He spent time with us going over any and all questions we had and gave us a taste of what is to come. We then went over to see a diet specialist name Terry, who went over with Mona, the do and don't about carbohydrate counting. It will not be easy for Mona to stay on this pregnancy diet, but she knows I will be there to help, even when she thinks I am doing the exact opposite.

Wednesday was a day to finally relax our minds, but it was hard for me to do that since I work evening on Mondays and Wednesdays. Just when I think I can relax after having dinner, I always have to get ready again for a few more hours of work. As much as an inconvience that it is, I am thankful that I have the extra work. During this time of layoffs and cutbacks, I have been one of the lucky few in our district that has actually gotten more work. And for that I am grateful.

Today I find myself slowly getting used to the idea that I will be a father soon...An idea that I have wanted for a some time and am probably still in shock with. Little things run through my head conserning the future, such as what color I will paint the baby's room. How often I will have to get up during the night to help do my share so Mona doesn't do it alone. So many responsibilities coming my way that I haven't even thought of, but I will tackle them as they come. It won't be easy, but it will be well worth it.

The most common question I have been getting is whether I want the baby to be a boy or girl. And of course my answer is always that I do not care whether it is a boy or girl, I just pray for the baby to be healthy. Now I also won't deny that every guy probably favors for their baby to be a boy and at the same time I am sure there is a part in every mom who also would like a girl. And I'm sure that is true in our situation, but as god as my witness I promise this baby whether it be a boy or girl.............WILL BE A DODGER FAN!

Let me just finish by saying this blog was intended to be a way for me to share my experiences as I get ready for next year's marathon, which by the way has not changed at all as I still intend to race next year. However you better believe I will also update on this new course in our lives.